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Sol Efroni
Co-Founder & CSO
Prof. Efroni is the head of the Systems Biomedicine lab at Bar-Ilan University. Prof. Efroni is a computational biology and Immunology expert. For the past 20 years he and his team have been studying the T cell repertoire and its involvement in different clinical conditions.
Alona Zilberberg
Co-Founder & VP R&D
Dr. Zilberberg has acquired vast experience in molecular biology, through her 20 years of lab work. She is now the lab manager at the systems biomedicine lab, at Bar-Ilan University.

Hagit Philip
Computational Biology Director
Dr. Philip has just completed a direct PhD track in computational biology (Bioinformatics) at the Systems BioMedicine lab, Bar-Ilan University. She is a computational biologist, with works in networks and machine learning.
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